Just another statistic…

I believe I might become the next statistic for suicide in Wyoming.  And if I don’t, you all will probably still beat me on getting your capstone done.  I just got it back yet again to do more edits on.  If someone would like to shoot me now, I would greatly appreciate it!!

On a brighter note, I was checking my email and got a note from our most celebrated classmate about torn laterally meniscus.  I think I had better do some more studying on the topic as I was obviously mistaken about the name!

See you all in a couple of weeks!  Well, really like a week and a half.  I’ll bring the brats!


Take your spankin’s!

Since I don’t have my study group hear to share I thought I might post this story to hopefully bring a smile to your faces as it did mine. Logan got in trouble for choking his big brother last week and as punishment had to fold and put away everybody’s laundry. If your have ever seen our laundry pile, that means several loads (4-5 laundry baskets full+ towels and sheets) in just 1 week. Last night Laura took Tyler to get stitches in his eyebrow, yet another common occurrence at our house, and while they were gone- Emma decided to find out how sassy she could be with daddy before he came completely unglued.  She was screaming at the top of her lungs, I don’t have to listen to you and you can’t make me, as she hit her brother and kicked the seat of the car. I told her that she was going to get a spanking every time she opened her mouth while we were at the store and then I told Logan to keep score. Well Logan only counted to Two before Emma got the hint and stopped running her mouth. When we got home I told her she could have her two spankings or fold and put away all the laundry, her choice. Before Emma could answer me, Logan piped up and said “Emma, I recommend you take your spankin’s because no one should have to do that much laundry!” Obviously, I am not going to win father of the year but I love my kids and they really do make me laugh.

Hope you all are doing great!

A question for you all…

I was thinking a while back about graduation and rooms for my family and such.  I was wondering what you all might think about the possibility of seeing if we could get a group rate for graduation.  I’m sure I’m not the only one with family coming into town and I was thinking if we looked into getting a block of rooms at a cheaper rate, we could all save some money.  Let me know your thoughts on this. Hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!!



Nobody has posted in a while so I thought I would post something just to see if everyone is still alive!!

We got a new admit today from the ER with the history of a possible TIA, although they gave her Imitrex in the ER for her possible migraine even though the doc I was with told them not to until the talked to neurology (which they didn’t do), and a history of bladder cancer.  So, I go in to start her H&P and it turns out that she has a history of not one but two aortic dissections with residual right sided weakness, severe hypertension, an existing 5 cm AAA, multiple surgeries, multiple cancers, and they didn’t actually scan her chest and belly to assure she was not leaking from her previous aortic repairs and she has had 8 or 9 CT scans in the past year.  Holy cow!!  I have to tell you I had to tell the physician I was with that I was a little overwhelmed with this case and I didn’t really know what exactly I should even start with!!  I have learned a ton on this rotation but I still don’t feel ready to take on such a difficult case.  🙂  And I hope to good heavens that I learned to give a better report then that when I send a patient up from the ER!!


I saw it and I remembered!!

So, we have a patient today, my very first day of my inpatient rotations, with disseminated gonococcal infection.  And I remember that to treat this, you should use …  Do you remember?

Good old ceftriaxone!!  How cool is that?  🙂  And I laughed in my head very loudly and for a long time as I thought about ceftriaxone for gonorrhea.  Good times!


That was so cool!

I just wanted to let you all know that I got to assist on a cecal volvulus resection today.  We took out the entire right large intestine.  Very interesting.  And then we did an appendectomy.  Pretty sweet!  Hope you all are having a great weekend!!


…poor bastards.

I’m sitting here at 3rd and Brown, getting ready to actually polish up my capstone.  I drove by campus on my way to drop Jimmy off at Saranac and I said, “Ohhhh, all the first year students are on campus, learning BCS and shitting their pants, wondering HOW THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO THIS?!”  SO glad that isn’t me!  And also:  it sucks to be them.  Just remember that as scary as clinical rotations may be, looming ahead, at least we’re not those poor bastards.


Love you all and miss you!

