Take your spankin’s!

Since I don’t have my study group hear to share I thought I might post this story to hopefully bring a smile to your faces as it did mine. Logan got in trouble for choking his big brother last week and as punishment had to fold and put away everybody’s laundry. If your have ever seen our laundry pile, that means several loads (4-5 laundry baskets full+ towels and sheets) in just 1 week. Last night Laura took Tyler to get stitches in his eyebrow, yet another common occurrence at our house, and while they were gone- Emma decided to find out how sassy she could be with daddy before he came completely unglued.  She was screaming at the top of her lungs, I don’t have to listen to you and you can’t make me, as she hit her brother and kicked the seat of the car. I told her that she was going to get a spanking every time she opened her mouth while we were at the store and then I told Logan to keep score. Well Logan only counted to Two before Emma got the hint and stopped running her mouth. When we got home I told her she could have her two spankings or fold and put away all the laundry, her choice. Before Emma could answer me, Logan piped up and said “Emma, I recommend you take your spankin’s because no one should have to do that much laundry!” Obviously, I am not going to win father of the year but I love my kids and they really do make me laugh.

Hope you all are doing great!

3 thoughts on “Take your spankin’s!

  1. What happened to the wall sits????
    Not only are your kids HILARIOUS, you are a great story teller! Thank you for allowing me to feel like the chaos in our home is normal, I need that from time to time!

  2. That made my whole day better!! And it made me laugh out loud! I’ll have to remember that punishment for future use, although I’m not sure it will be nearly as effective in my house!

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